Best Practices for Running a Competition with Orion

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Best Practices for Running a Competition with Orion

The best way to help ensure a competition runs smoothly is to use Orion in day-to-day practices.


Before the Competition.

Check that your version of Orion is up-to-date (Currently Version

Check that your license is up-to-date.

Practice with Orion. Run a series of mock matches to make sure each step in the process runs smoothly (scanning, loading targets, scoring targets, printing results).

Create the Orion match file in advanced, perhaps 2 to 3 weeks early.

Enable cloud backup of your Match or Match and target image files.

Add competitors, coaches, and teams as the entries come in.

Use descriptive team names. For example "West Potomac High School" instead of "WPHS."

Organize competitors to their respective relays.

Keep the number of athletes per relay at a reasonable level. The number of athletes per relay depends on the user's skill level with Orion, scanner speed, and use of single or multiple bull targets.

Pre-print barcode labels and apply the labels to the targets for each athlete.


During the Competition.

Enable the Result Center to automatically post results online.

Clean your scanner between each relay's set of targets. Use canned air to blow out any dirt or target debris.

Print out scanable QR Codes so competitors and spectators know where to find the results online.

Have at least one assistant available who can track down missing targets, find coaches to answer questions, post results, and so on.

Resolve all green, yellow, red, or gray highlighted targets before printing results.

After each relay, print individual score sheets for each athlete. Arrange the targets with the score sheets for collection by the athletes or coaches.


Going the Extra Mile.

Write up an online match preview before the competition and a recap after the competition.

Display scores on the range using a projector and Orion's online Scoreboard.

Have target pullers available and ready to retrieve targets as soon as the last shot is fired and the range is safe.

Have an awards ceremony as soon as possible after the last relay is complete.