Automatic Rollback of Bad Updates

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Automatic Rollback of Bad Updates

Automatic Rollbacks of EST Unit Firmware

The Athena software for Targets, Monitors, and Displays comes with a "bad build detection" after an Over the Air update. If detected Athena will rollback the source code to the last known good version. A "bad build" is usually caused by the system crashing unexpectedly at start up. A "good build" is marked when the system can boot up and connect to the Network Manager.

When a bad build is detected after an Over the Air update, the build version is rolled back to the last known good, the system is then rebooted.

Disabling the Rollback Detection

The "bad build detection" can be disabled by editing the EST Unit's capability.json file. The capability.json file is located in /home/pi/ESTConfiguration/(Monitor | Target | Display)/ directory.

In the ESTUnit dictionary, add an entry for "BuildRollbackDisabled" and set it to true.

For example:


    "ESTUnit": {

        "Name": "000001-Target-001",

        "Hostname": "000001-Target-001",

        "RootCAPath": "/home/pi/Certificates/000001-Target-001/group-ca.pem",

        "CertificatePath": "/home/pi/Certificates/000001-Target-001/abcd123456-certificate.pem.crt",

        "PrivateKeyPath": "/home/pi/Certificates/000001-Target-001/abcd123456-private.pem.key",

        "PublicKeyPath": "/home/pi/Certificates/000001-Target-001/abcd123456-public.pem.key",

        "GreenGrassGroup": "000001-GGG-001",

        "Owner": "OrionAcct000001",

        "Model": "NC100",

        "IoTHost": "000001-CORE-001",

        "IoTPort": 8883,

        "IoTQoS": 1,

        "Simulation": true,

        "QoS": 0,

        "BuildRollbackDisabled" : true



See Also

Manually Updating Athena's Software which includes manually reverting to a previous build version.

Updating Athena's Software which includes the Over the Air Upates.

Network and Terminal Access