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Orion often uses single characters to represent each stage of a match, often referring to single position or type of firing. The character is usually, but not always, the first character in the name of the stage. See below for details.
These position abbreviations apply to:
•Targets listed within the 'Match Scoring' tab.
•On Barcode Labels
•In the position bubbles on Fill-in-the-Bubble Targets
Unknown Position Value
If Orion is showing a "U" for a target on the Match Scoring tab, this means that the target has an Unassigned position.
Various Position Values
•P: Prone
•S: Standing
•I: Sitting
•K: Kneeling
•F: Final (accumulative Final)
•S: Final (Start from zero Final)
•T: Test (BB Gun Only)
•S: Standing
•F: Final (accumulative Final)
•S: Final (Start from zero Final)
•S: Slow Fire
•T: Timed Fire
•R: Rapid Fire
•S - Standing Slow Fire
•I - Sitting Rapid Fire
•R - Prone Rapid Fire
•P - Prone Slow Fire
•M - Multiple Positions (30-Shot Score Card for CMP only)
•L - 50yd. Conventional (L is Roman Numeral for 50)
•M - 50m. Conventional
•D - Dewar
•C - 100yd. Conventional (C is roman numeral for 100)