Setup and Walk Through Guide

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Setup and Walk Through Guide

Welcome to the Orion Scoring System. The setup guide is intended to walk you through using Orion for the first time. While not comprehensive, it will highlight the installation process and important steps in running a match.


This setup guide assumes you recently purchased an Orion bundle and have:


1.A license for Orion

2.The "Welcome to the Orion Scoring System" email that was sent after purchasing Orion.

3.Internet Access

4.A Windows 7, 8, 8.1, or 10 based computer

5.An attached printer

6.Your supported scanner

7.A set of fired Orion Targets that are ready to be scored. This guide covers air rifle, 50ft rifle, 50ft pistol, and BB Gun targets.

oRifle targets should have one shot on each aiming bull

oAir pistol targets should have five shots on each aiming bull

o50ft pistol targets should have ten shots on each aiming bull

8.A set of barcode label sheets - not needed for Orion at Home


If you need additional assistance learning to use Orion, please visit Orion's website at for answers to the most common questions. You may also contact Shooter's Technology at 703-596-0099 or email for more specific questions.


Want to follow along with video?

Follow Erik Anderson Ph.D walk though the basics of how to use the Orion Scoring System as well as some general setup!


Webinar: Basics of Using Orion

This video can also be found at:



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