Using Orion's Cloud Backup features

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Using Orion's Cloud Backup features

Orion can be configured to save your Athlete Database, Match data files, and Match target images to offsite "cloud" storage. These files can be restored to your workstation at a later time if needed.

Orion's cloud backup is an optional service, you may turn it on or off as needed. The following FAQ describes how to enable this service, and if needed restore your data.



The most current version of Orion (Currently Version

An active license for Orion Scoring System

oWe cannot guarantee any backups stored on our servers will remain available if your Orion Scoring System license lapses or expires.

Internet access. High speed "broadband" connection is recommended.


Using Cloud Backup for your Athlete Database

By default your Athlete Database is backed up to the cloud by default. To enable or disable cloud backup of your Athlete Database:

1.Open the Orion software on your computer.

2.From the menu bar click on "Database" and then "Database Properties." The Database Properties window will open.

3.Click on the "Basic" tab.

4.Enable or disable cloud backup of your Athlete Database by checking, or unchecking the "Enable Database Cloud Backup" checkbox.

5.Click the "Save" button.


Using Cloud Backup for your Orion Match Files

1.Open the Orion software on your computer.

2.Open an existing match or create a new one.

3.From the menu bar click on "Match" and then "Match Properties" to open the Match Properties window.

4.The options for configuring cloud backup are listed in the "Basics/Rulebook" tab.

5.There are three backup options on the ‘Backup’ dropdown menu.

oNo Online Backup will disable cloud backup for the match.

oBackup only the Match File will backup the match data file, which includes athlete, team and score data, but does not backup target images.

oBackup Match and Image Files will backup both the match data file and all target images.

A high speed internet connection is strongly recommended for this option.

6.Click "Save" to save your choices.


Restoring an Athlete Database Version

Orion will store Database versions for at least 30 days. Versions older than 30 days may be deleted.

1.With Orion open, from the menu bar, click on "Database" and then "Restore Database from Backup."

2.In the new window, all backed up versions of the Database file are listed according to the date and time they were saved. Select the version you wish to restore to and click on "Restore."

3.Orion will download the selected version, then restart to complete the restore.


Restoring a Match Datafile

Orion will store Match data file versions for at least 30 days. Versions older than 30 days may be deleted.

1.Open Orion and open the appropriate Match.

2.From the menu bar, click on "Match" and then "Restore Match file from Backup."

3.In the new window, all backed up versions of the Match file are listed according to the date and time they were saved. Select the version you wish to restore to and click on "Restore."

4.Orion will download the selected version, then reopen the match to complete the restore.


Restoring a Match Directory

Restoring a Match Directory involves restoring both the latest version of the Match file and all target images. Orion will store the last version of the Match data files for at least 3 years and target images for at least 30 days, for Orion accounts with active licenses. Match data files and target images older than this days may be deleted.

1.Open Orion, but keep all matches closed.

2.From the menu bar, click on "Tools" and then "Restore Match Directory from Backup."

3.In the new window, all backed up Matches will be listed, depending on the selected time frame and search criteria. Select the Match you wish to restore to and click on "Restore."

4.Orion will download the selected Match and prompt you when complete. The restored Match can then be reopened.